Dear Daughters and Sons – how to not become a hermit in a knitted beanie.

Dear Daughters and Sons, All my life I have been ’emotionally fluid’ you know – like waves, large ones that roll and crash about without direction. Its gotten worse as I’ve gotten older which is a bummer because I expected to grow wise and become able to control my emotions. Not just grow older. IContinue reading “Dear Daughters and Sons – how to not become a hermit in a knitted beanie.”

Letters To My Daughters – Things I didn’t do

Dear Daughters and Sons, So I mentioned today –  whilst out Christmas shopping with my daughter – to the nice young 30 something shop assistant – that I thought being in your thirties was the best time for a woman. You are young and beautiful and full of energy but by your thirties you haveContinue reading “Letters To My Daughters – Things I didn’t do”